
Serie 115


Colori: est.Rosa int.Bianco (FA), est.Azzurro int.Bianco (TA)outside Pink inside White (FA), outside Light blue inside White (TA)

Art.400-401: astuccio in cartoncino ricoperto in carta coccodrillo rosa o azzurro con interno in multopren bianco e fornito con busta shopper in carta bianca goffrata coccodrillo.Art.400-401: cardboard case covered in pink or blue crocodile paper with white inside foam and supplied with shopper bag in crocodile embossed paper.

Art.400 disponibile solo TA.Art.400 only available in TA

Art.2098: astuccio rivestito in cartoncino con grafiche sul coperchio rosa o azzurro interno in multopren bianco e fornito con busta shopper con la stessa grafica dell’astuccio.
Art 2098: Cardboard case reporting graphics on the pink and light blue top, the inside in white foam and supplied with shopper bag with the same graphics as the top of the case.

Stampa interno astuccio e busta shopper.Print available in the inside top of the case and on the shopper bag.

 1,99 2,42



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